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Financial Express: EU cannot be just a free trade area, says Chirac

Financial Express

EU cannot be just a free trade area, says Chirac

PARIS, Oct 26 (AFP): France will never allow the European Union to be "reduced to nothing more than a simple free trade zone," President Jacques Chirac said today, ahead of an informal EU summit in Britain. In an opinion article published by no less than 26 European newspapers, Chirac admitted that the rejection by French and Dutch voters of a planned EU Constitution treaty had been a setback, but called for the Union to "find the strength to gain new momentum." The rejection of the treaty had revealed "an acute crisis of confidence in the European project," Chirac admitted. In calling on the EU to get its second wind, the French leader said that "unless it abandons control of its own destiny, Europe cannot stop when the rest of the world is speeding up."

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