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680News - Minority youths torn between cultures as Europe debates integration - by Jamey Keaten and Palma Benczenleiter

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Minority youths torn between cultures as Europe debates integration - by Jamey Keaten and Palma Benczenleiter

PARIS (AP) - Nacera Berrouba, a young Algerian in Paris, says she couldn't get the job she dreamed of until she dyed her hair blond. Straight-A student Gokboru Ozturk was born in Germany and waved the German flag during last summer's soccer World Cup tournament, but wants to be buried in Turkey because "as much as I feel German, I cannot be buried here." His mother jokes he should change his name to Schmidt to boost his job prospects.

As Europe goes through a wrenching debate over integrating immigrant populations, the children of those immigrants find themselves grappling with issues of identity in an environment where racial tensions are complicated by the scarcity of jobs and distorted by the fear of terrorism.

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