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Halifax Live - Eurofighter Typhoon Jets Over Dartmouth Canada Last Saturday - Why? - by D.L. McCracken

Eurofighters above Canada
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Eurofighter Typhoon Jets Over Dartmouth Canada Last Saturday - Why? - by D.L. McCracken

The RAF fighter jets over Darthmouth flying in formation alongside a fairly large and also unrecognizable 747-like aircraft, were in fact "Eurofighter Typhoons" a delta strike fighter aircraft which was designed and built by several European aerospace manufacturers. There are at least 114 Eurofighters in current operation in the UK, Italy, Spain and Germany. In 2006 Saudi Arabia ordered 72 of them. There are no Eurofighters in North America. Eurofighter Typhoons are considered to be state-of-the-art in fighter aircraft and boast classified stealth features.

The many eyewitnesses to this event were unsettled and more than a few were fearful of this spectacle in the sky and for good reason considering the state of the world right now."