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Times on Line: Turkish tanks ready to roll into Iraq in hunt for Kurdish terrorist hideouts - by Suna Erdem

For the complete report from the Times Online click on this link

"Turkish tanks ready to roll into Iraq in hunt for Kurdish terrorist hideouts"- by Suna Erdem

Turkey was preparing to send troops and tanks into northern Iraq yesterday as the Government came under intense pressure to avenge the deaths of Turkish soldiers in attacks by Kurdish terrorists. Risking a major diplomatic row with Washington and the European Union, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the Turkish Prime Minister, said that he had ordered preparations for a possible military strike and might seek parliament’s approval as early as today.

Note EU-Digest:PKK terrorists and Kurdish nationalists who have used their safe haven in Iraq to strike and kill innocent civilians in Turkey should be made aware that these acts can not go on unpunished. The US should be the first to know this, given their own retaliation policies around the world in relation to terrorists. The EU should support this military action by Turkey, since the PKK is on its list of terrorist organizations.

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