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The Guardian: Britain scorns France's plans for EU defence - by Ian Traynor

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Britain scorns France's plans for EU defence - by Ian Traynor

Britain put itself on a collision course with France last night when the foreign secretary, David Miliband, attacked President Nicolas Sarkozy's ambitions for greater European military integration. Addressing the College of Europe in his first big speech on EU policy, Miliband said it was "frankly embarrassing" that a union of 27 states with around two million men and women under arms could deploy only 100,000 at any one time and "at a stretch".

Note EU-Digest: The speech of Mr. Miliband, representing the British point of view on Europe's future is depressingly shallow in long term vision and its support for a strong and united Europe. Referring to the United States as the only legitimate superpower in the world also makes it clear that Britain does not have a European sole and is only a member of the EU for economic reasons. The question arises: Can Britain be trusted as a European partner?

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