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EU-Digest/Time Magazine: US Presidential Elections: Selling Substance Over Style in Iowa - "Europeans prefer Hillary" - by Ana Marie Cox

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US Presidential Elections: Selling Substance Over Style in Iowa - "Europeans prefer Hillary" - by Ana Marie Cox

Clinton's unapologetic emphasis on substance and her decision to talk about emotional issues — health care, education — in dry policy terms allowed her potential supporters to embrace her intellect while they themselves supplied the pathos and the spirit that, in most campaigns, comes from the podium.

Note EU-Digest: "In a poll conducted in Europe by the Harris Institute for France's 24 television and the Paris-based International Herald Tribune enthusiasm for Hillary Clinton was significantly higher among Europeans than Americans. Over half of the European respondents agreed that electing a woman as US president would have a positive effect on the United States, with numbers ranging from 53 to 56 percent in Spain, Italy, France and Germany. Only 29 percent of Americans, however, thought it would be positive, while 26 percent said the effect would be negative.Asked whether the election of a black man would have a positive effect, 43 percent of Britons and Germans and 50 percent of Spaniards said yes. Only 33 percent of Americans agreed."

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