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The Moderate Voice: USA Pres.Caucus Elections: Will Independent Voters Help Obama Win Iowa Caucus Vote - by Joe Gandleman

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USA Pres. Caucus Elections: Will Independent Voters Help Obama Win Iowa Caucus Vote - by Joe Gandleman

A major flap has broken out in the Iowa race over a poll that shows Democratic Senator Barack Obama picking up support and overtaking Senator Hillary Clinton — and the Clinton camp is crying “NO DICE!” because, it argues, the poll puts far too much weight on independent voters. Yet, if it is correct, it would mean Obama is pulling off a difficult political move, perhaps even more difficult than the “triangulation” strategy that former President Bill Clinton used so adeptly during his Presidency. And in this anything-can-happen-on-election-day year, with margins of error essentially making it clear that you’d be wise not to place bets on the outcome in either party

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