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EU-Digest: "Dialog is mightier than the sword" - Hamas leader Dr. Mahmoud Al Zahar at BBC Doha Debates News Show - by Rick Morren

For the complete report on the debate with Dr. Mahmoud Al Zahar from the EU-Digest special reports click on this link

"Dialog is mightier than the sword" - Hamas leader Dr. Mahmoud Al Zahar at BBC Doha Debates News Show - by Rick Morren

This Sunday morning, while flipping around channels on my TV looking for a news channel, I ran into the Doha Debates, a news special from the BBC World News. It was featuring Dr. Mahmoud Al Zahar, a senior leader of Hamas. The presentation had just started and could certainly be classified as an open public debate, which is most unusual for the Middle East.

The Doha debates are modeled after Oxford Union debates where the the host Tim Sebastian usually presents a motion to the audience, two speakers argue for it, two argue against it, then Sebastian and the audience get the speakers to elaborate on their arguments by asking them questions. In the end, the audience votes to pass or defeat the motion. Over the last four academic years, the Doha Debates have brought academics, government officials, policy experts and religious and cultural figures to Doha the capital of Qatar to debate issues of relevance to the Arab and Islamic worlds.

The Doha debates are not only refreshing to watch, but also a prime example of how free speech works within the context of democracy. Compliments to Dr. Mahmoud Al Zahar for coming to the debate and staying cool while facing a pretty hostile crowd...and an aggressive moderator. Who knows, maybe one day the Doha Debates can also bring Ben Laden to the table for a debate. Dr. Benjamin Franklin once said, "the pen is mightier than the sword." In this case we can say, "dialog is mightier than the sword".

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