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EU-Digest: The way we see it - The energy crises

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The way we see it - The energy crises

These days Europeans and most other people around the world feel they are getting soaked of every last penny from their government and big business on fuel prices. The question is who is right here and who is wrong, or is everyone to blame? The recent testimony of Big Oil executives on the US Capitol Hill is a classic case-in-point of the charade going on about energy and oil prices. Government policy spinners from both the left and the right marketed this hearing to the US public as a "stern interrogation" of those mainly responsible for the US’s rapidly deepening energy crisis. Afterwards the whole testimony turned out to be a dog-and-pony show. Despite the big oil corporations’ record profits, their pursuit of price gouging probably explains no more than 10 percent of the current price of gas at the pump. So, probably the whole focus on the oil companies, ruthless as they may appear to be, is simply a distraction.

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