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Make sure you check out SURE

is a compilation of press reports as well as market research conducted  in a cooperative effort  by KOSTER Verzekeringen b.v.,  - a Dunn and Bradstreet top level 1 rated  insurance company, and Europe House, Inc.,  - a non-profit corporation fostering a better global understanding of the European Union, its member states, and policies, through a variety of avenues. The focus of the material collected and published in Sure ! mainly pertains to the insurance industry as it relates to the overall global economic climate, social structure and political environment.

The most recent issue of Sure! (September 2010) deals with recent developments in the international insurance industry, including news on a proposal done by re-insurers concerning future BP-type blowouts and an overview of the most important European political highlights, in addition to a selection of global economic issues.

Make sure you check out SURE ! and get a free subscription.


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