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USA In Turmoil:The Religious and Social Crisis in America. Political Consequences - by James Petras

The opening long decade of the 21st century (2000-2012) has been a period of repeated and profound economic and social crises, of serial and prolonged wars and declining living standards for the vast majority of Americans.  How have people responded to this crisis?  No large scale, long term, socio-political movements have emerged to challenge the bi-partisan dominent classes.  For a brief moment the “ Occupy Wall Street ” movement provided a platform to denounce the 1% super-rich but then faded into memory.

Questions arose whether in the midst of prolonged hardship people would turn to religion for solace, escape into spiritual pietism.  The question this essay addresses is whether religion has become the ‘opium of the people’ as Karl Marx suggested or whether  religious beliefs and institutions are themselves in crisis, losing their spiritual attraction in the face of their inability to resolve the everyday material needs of a growing army of impoverished, low paid, unemployed and contingent workers and a downwardly mobile middle class.  In other words are major religions growing and prospering in our time of permanent economic crise and perpetual wars or are they on the downslope part and parcel of the decline of the US Empire?

According to the latest data as of 2008 the biggest religious group is Christianity with 173.402 million members representing 76% of adult population followed by Judaism with 2.680 million representing 1.2% of the adult population; followed by Eastern religions 1.961 million and representing .9% Muslims 1.349 million representing .6% of adults.  The second most populous group after the Christians are those adults who state they have ‘no religion’ 34.169 million or 15%.

The religious crises, the decline in belief and institutional affiliation, is intimately related to the moral decay in US public institutions and the precipitous decline of living standards.  Among Christians the decline is incremental but steady;among Jews it is deeper and more rapid.  No ‘alternative religious’ revival is in the horizon.  The more fundamentalist Christian groups have responded by becoming more politically involved in extremist movements like the Tea Party demonizing public spending to ameliorate social inequities or have joined Islamophobic pro Israeli movements – precisely as increasing number of ex-Jews depart!

The secular or non-religious adult population has yet to organize and articulate a program in contrast to the fundamentalists, perhaps because they are too disparate a social category – in terms of socio-economic and class interests.  ‘Not religious’ tells us little about what is the alternative.  The shrinking percentage of religious believers can have several outcomes:  in some cases it can lead to a hardening of doctrine and organizational structures ‘to keep the faithful in line’.  In others it has led to increasing politicization, mostly on the extreme right.  Among Christians it means insisting on literal readings of the Bible and anti- evolutionism; among Jews, the shrinking numbers are intensifying tribal loyalties and more aggressive fundraising, lobbying, and  unconditional support for a “Jewish State”, purged of Palestinians, and more punitive witch-hunts against critics of Israel and Zionism.

What needs to be done is a movement that links the growing mass of rational non-religious people with the vast majority of American wage and salaried workers, experiencing declining living standards and the rising costs (material and spiritual) of imperial wars.  Some religious individuals and even denominations will be attracted to such a movement others will attack it for sectarian and political reasons.  But as a non-religious morality links individual and political crises to social action, so can the political community create the bases for a new society built on secular needs and public ethics.

Read more: The Religious and Social Crisis in America. Political Consequences | Global Resea

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