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Wind Power: US to Launch First Floating Wind Turbine on Maine Coast

Offshore Floating Wind Turbine Platform
The United States’ first floating wind turbine is undergoing testing ahead of sea trials in summer off the coast of Maine.

Engineers at the University of Maine are working on the project to help harness the more than 156GW of offshore wind potential in the deep waters of the Gulf of Maine.

Floating turbines have been mooted for use in the UK’s deepwater Round 3 wind farms and formed part of a UK-US deal to accelerate clean energy technology signed earlier this year, but have yet to be developed commercially.

The North-eastern state has plans to build a 5GW network of floating wind farms by 2030, which officials estimate would attract $20bn of private capital and create thousands of jobs.

Read more:: US to Launch First Floating Wind Turbine - Energy TribuneEnergy Tribune

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