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The United States of…Europe? (VIDEO)

Sovereign nations like France and Belgium may be on a path to become the European equivalent of American states – subservient parts of a whole led by an imposing central European Union (EU) government.

That is the view articulated by Charles Moore, a journalist, political commentator, and former editor of The Daily Telegraph, The Sunday Telegraph, and The Spectator, who spoke at The Heritage Foundation this week.

“The United States does need to be aware that the United States of Europe is gradually coming into being,” said Moore. “And it’s based on principles from the top down which would have never been accepted by the American Republic.”

If the EU continues to increase its role in member nations’ affairs, it will soon resemble a national government. But unlike the federal government created in the American founding, which developed with democratic consent and bottom-up involvement from the citizens of the independent states, this new European “super-state” is being thrust top-down upon Europeans and undermining their national sovereignty.

Note EU-Digest: the Heritage foundation is an American Conservative "think tank" closely alligned with the US Republican party and the British Conservative party.

Read more: The United States of…Europe? (VIDEO) | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News Blog from The Heritage Foundation

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